This is a busy time for our local farmers as they have just started harvesting the wheat - a full two weeks earlier than normal. The weather has been really warm and dry for ages, and for the past three weeks or so there has been a ban on irrigating the crops and using hoses in the garden. Here at Chenevaux we have a well which hasn't been in use for many years and the other day Michel, who farms the land around our property, came along with a water tester thingy. Its basically a probe on a long wire and it makes a sound when it touches water. Anyway, after about 50m it sounded, ( we expected this from previous investigations ) and then the wire kept feeding out .... and more. and more until it came to the end of the reel at 100m! So we now know that we have a well with at least 50m of water in it ... the question is how to get it out! To be continued ........
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